Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Another Day

Well, here we go, another day of this "life"... I find it harder to wake up in the mornings. Well, scratch that, I never wake up in the morning. It's usually around noon. Probably because I don't want to go to work. My job sucks. But only because I hate the fact that I've put my goals on "hold" and settled for a job that at least gave me a steady paycheck. Steady in the sense that it comes every two weeks, but doesn't provide a steady lifestyle. I usually make about $800 a month (if I'm lucky) and it's hard for anyone to live on that. I don't live above my means in any sense, besides the fact that I pay around $200 a month on my phone bill. I mean, hell, I can't even afford car insurance. It's time to give college a second try I guess. Then at least I'll have an excuse to be broke. Who hasn't heard of a broke college student? Well, except the ones who have mommy or daddy's credit card and a bottomless amount of money to spend. Why couldn't my parents have been rich? Maybe my dad should have stayed in college playing basketball. Then maybe he could have been drafted to the NBA or something. He was good. But he quit school to spend more time with my mom... Now if that wasn't a nutty thing to do I don't know what would be (but I guess I probably wouldn't be here if he hadn't made that decision). But anyways, time to jet. Gotta get to work. See you later!


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